thinking of joining?
thinking of joining?
our next recruitment evening

Wednesday 10th September 2025
Presentation starts at 1900hrs for approximately 1 hour. Please arrive no earlier than 1845.
Our Squadron HQ.
Click the above icon to view location
Be aged 12+ and in year 8 and/or under 18, and fill in the form below before attending

1409 (Consett) Squadron will be recruiting in 2025!
At 1409, we run our recruitment in the form of ‘intake nights’, which are in short, an informal presentation evening, designed to give you a taste of what the Royal Air Force Air Cadets has to offer and how you can get involved. You will also have the chance to ask any questions that you may have, have a tour of the Squadron HQ, and speak to current cadets and members of staff about their experiences. Like what you see? Then great! you can start parading from the following Monday after a presentation evening! We usually hold 2 intake nights a year (1 in April, and 1 in September), roughly lining up with the end of Easter half term, and the start of the new school year.
Are you aged between 12 to 18, in at least year 8 or above, and looking for a challenge? If so, you meet all the requirements to join! The Royal Air Force Air Cadets is open to all genders and ethnic backgrounds.
Once you have registered your interest (via the red button below), we will be in contact via e-mail immediately after you have completed the form, and again roughly 3-4 weeks before the arranged date of the recruitment evening to confirm your attendance. Please regularly check your emails around this time to make sure you do not miss out!