fieldcraft & shooting
We don’t spend all our time in our blue uniform. A large part of our training is designed around bringing the best out in our cadets. Two great examples of this are our target shooting and fieldcraft training.
Both activities take cadets out of their comfort zone and require a particular application of skills. Fieldcraft training especially is excellent for identifying leadership skills you might not think you’ve got. Target shooting is an important military skill, but it can also bring through some really skilled people into a sport inherently difficult to access normally.
Fieldcraft training is an important activity offered within Durham Northumberland Wing. Training runs at a number of levels, starting off with basic level courses which introduce cadets to living and operating in the field, moving on to junior section commander courses and more.
Fieldcraft exercises vary widely and each places emphasis on different aspects of how to survive and conduct yourself in the field. Many involve two teams being pitted against each other. You and your team might need to move quietly, avoiding detection as you sneak upon an ‘enemy’ installation. Sound easy? Think again. Speed might also be a big factor of your success. Do you risk exposing your position at the cost of achieving your objective more quickly? Decisions like these are challenging and need to be made ‘on-the-fly’.
Fieldcraft exercises force you to use your own initiative, sometimes affecting your team mates. What would happen if the commanders of your team ‘went down’? Would you take control?
If you have natural leadership qualities, they’ll definitely show themselves here.
Cadets will deploy on exercise using the same equipment as the british army, including ration packs and load carrying equipment, as well as their L98A2 GP rifle with blank firing adaptor for added realism.

target shooting
Target shooting is a great experience for cadets of all ages. RAF Air Cadets use three different rifles:
- L144A1 CSBTR (Cadet Small Bore Target Rigle)
- L98A2 Cadet GP Rifle
- L81A2 Cadet Target Rifle
Cadets begin by shooting at distances of 25 metres, and can advance to distances of up to 1,000 yards! In addition, Cadets can take part in local, regional and national competitions. Exceptional cadets can go on to shoot in the Cadet 100; up against the best shots across the UK cadet forces.
Cadets have the opportunity to gain a range of marksmanship awards and badges, and compete in annual shooting competitions.
Safety precautions are taken at all times, and strict regulations are followed to ensure that this remains both an enjoyable and safe experience for cadets. All cadets are given intensive training and must pass a Weapons Handling Test (WHT) before being allowed to take part.
Clay pigeon target shooting is also offered to our cadets in Durham/Northumberland wing, which usually takes place once every 1 or 2 months at Marne Barracks.