Leadership is a huge training aim for the Air Cadets. As you become more experienced as a cadet you’ll take on extra responsibilities and have further opportunities to develop your self-confidence and leadership skills. Formal leadership training is provided and it’ll test your mettle but this is where you can really get noticed!
The Air Cadets is a military youth organisation based on the Royal Air Force and therefore there are opportunities for promotion. These are not academically linked and you just need to show us you can be depended upon, are reliable and show leadership abilities. As a cadet you can gain promotion to these non commissioned officer ranks below.
NCO Ranks
Cadet Corporal is the first Cadet Non Commissioned Rank. It is a junior supervisory role, tasked with supervising units of cadets and undertaking basic training under the direction of the senior NCO’s (Non Commissioned Officer) and staff.

After spending some time as a Cadet Corporal, you can be eligible for promotion to Sergeant. This is the first senior NCO role and is more of a management position than Corporal. You will be tasked with extra responsibilities and expected to manage a number of cadets and Junior NCO’s.

Once you’ve got some serious experience under your belt you can apply for promotion to Flight Sergeant. You’ll sit a formal interview with the Senior Management team of the Squadron as part of the promotion process. This is an even more senior role than Sergeant. You’ll be tasked with managing larger groups, devising and running activities and liaising with the staff on training.

This is the highest rank a cadet can achieve. They are the senior cadet manager and are expected to run the entire NCO team and undertake a significant role in the running of the Squadron. CWO is a Wing Appointment, this means the cadet has to be nominated by the Squadron Commander and attend an interview at Wing HQ with OC Wing and other key personnel.